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Alumna Creates Academic Award Named After Ger谩ld the Turkey

RIC鈥檚 turkeys, like this award, encourage students to take advantage of RIC鈥檚 abundance.

4 Justice Studies Students Write Book 鈥 鈥淕uardians of Justice鈥

The hope is that this book will serve as a resource for RIC students interested in criminal justice careers, said the authors.

News Brief: 5 RIC Theatre Alum in Trinity鈥檚 鈥淟a Cage Aux Folles鈥

鈥淚 can鈥檛 think of a finer or more talented group to represent 新香港六合彩开奖记录,鈥 says theatre professor.

Alum鈥檚 IT Fellowship Leads to Career in the Foreign Service

The Foreign Affairs Information Technology Fellowship aims to attract top tech talent.

From Podcast to Book, Alum Shares Little-Known Tales of American History

Nate DiMeo 鈥97 calls these tales 鈥渁 cabinet of curiosities.鈥

LeeShonel Ayala 鈥 From B.A. in Youth Development to M.A. in Christian Ministry

Ayala is a liturgical dancer, musician and now future minister/theologian.

News Brief: Two World Languages Education Majors Honored by Their Peers

Larissa Guido Swenson (left) wins student teaching scholarship and alumna Lora Calise (right) named RIFLA Teacher of the Year.

National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers Look to Alum Charles Wilson to Move Forward

Wilson intends to put a spotlight on lethal force, racial profiling and police brutality.

Black History Month Celebrates the Artistic Expressions of Black Culture

鈥淎s an Afro-Latino I feel that this is a celebration for me as well.鈥 鈥 Julio Berroa 鈥21

With a RIC Technical Theatre Degree, the Possibilities are Endless

From regional theatre, to corporate gigs, from concert tours to Disney World, there鈥檚 so many ways you can apply a technical theatre degree.